Parker’s Middle School Athletics team believes that students benefit not only physically and emotionally by participating and competing in sports, they believe being on a team helps develop critical skills (e.g., teamwork, resilience, leadership, tenacity, etc.) that promote success in the classroom, in college, and in life.


With more than 14 boys, girls, and co-ed inter-scholastic sports teams to choose from, students of all play-levels will have the opportunity to play.


“Everyone is going to play,” said Coach David Glassey, Middle School Athletics Director. “No one is going to sit on the bench during the season. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the success of the team.”


Each team is coached by a skilled and passionate coach and students get to learn from the best. Every sport is overseen by a Parker varsity coach from the Upper School. By building this coaching relationship in middle school helps better prepare student-athletes to play high school sports.


The middle school program does not fixate on playing to win but is more concerned about growing a student’s skill set.


“We are not about playing to win,” said Coach Glassey. “We are playing to develop our skills as players and winning becomes a reward of our hard work.”