Happy November, Parker Parents!
October was bustling with activities on both Campuses. I hope many of you joined us at Homecoming 2018 and the Halloween Carnival at the Lower School. Thank you to all who participated and volunteered at these events—they would not be possible without you.
As we enter November, we look forward to the Day of Giving on Tuesday, Nov. 27. The Day of Giving is the Gala Fund-a-fellowship initiative to support our amazing Parker teachers. Our goal is 700 family donors in 24 hours. This is your chance to reflect on the impact Parker teachers have on your student(s) and to honor them and their work. Your family’s gift ensures teachers can participate in conferences, learn from experts, pursue further education, and also helps support the larger School-wide goal of maintaining competitive teacher salaries.
Plan to make a gift in any amount on the Day of Giving in honor of your child’s favorite teacher and send a note sharing your appreciation. Look for more information coming your way soon on how to make your gift on Nov. 27.
Marilyn Tobin