by Head of Upper School Dr. Monica Gillespie
Helping our students develop the skills they need to thrive is at the heart of all we do and we are constantly evaluating how well we are fulfilling that mission. One measure of the student experience is engagement. Student engagement is the key to being a great school—one that serves its students well and helps them thrive intellectually, socially, and physically. Students need to feel valued and connected to their schools and when they do, they thrive; when schools have high levels of student engagement, they also thrive. Parker is one of those flourishing schools as reported by our students on the High School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE) administered to all Upper School students in May 2018.
I am pleased to share these results with our community as they provide affirmation of Parker’s education program as well as insights into the student experience. In the coming months, we will be studying the results as an Upper School faculty and finding additional ways to continue to strengthen our program ensuring that our students thrive.
Click here to read the 2018 Upper School Student Engagement Report.