Author: fpsnews

The Mike & Maggie Show

“Mike?” Maggie West asks Mike Cain with a curious smile. “What do you call a pony with a cough?” She pauses momentarily for dramatic effect, then answers. “A little hoarse!” She yells and begins to crack up at her health-related joke. Through the Zoom grid, Mike laughs back.

Maggie is Parker’s credentialed School Nurse and Mike is Parker’s Director of Asset and Risk Management. Together, they create a dynamic duo responsible for overseeing the health and safety of the School community. Don’t let the humor fool you, though––they take their jobs seriously, and have been working tirelessly this year to keep Parker safe amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Associates

Parker’s Associate Teachers (ATs) have been an indispensable constant in a school year marked by perpetual change. Consider them the unsung heroes of this strange year.

“Without the care, dedication, and support that each team member gave on a daily basis, being on campus [this year] would not have been a possibility,” says Director of Summer and Extended Day Programs Erika Assadi. “Every AT came to Parker ready to support students and their fellow colleagues with love, patience, and understanding.”

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