Author: fpsnews

Dr. Stacey Patsko I Upper School Dean of Students

Anxious to return to her hometown, Stacey Patsko jumped at the chance to move back to San Diego. In August, Stacey accepted the position as Parker’s Upper School dean of students, leaving her position as dean of students and middle school athletic director at the Texas Military Institute Episcopal in San Antonio, Texas.

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Middle Schoolers Research their Roots to Find Place in History

We all have a place in history, though at the age of 13 or 14, we may not know all of the details. In Middle School at Parker, Grade 8 students get the chance to research and share their family’s story through the Grade 8 Family History Project—a project that has been part of the Parker curriculum for nearly 30 years.

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Jeremy Howard I Grade 8 Dean and Middle School Teacher

It was a backpacking trip through Greece and Spain that inspired Grade 8 Dean and Middle School social studies teacher Jeremy Howard to become a history teacher. It was the beauty of the land and the stories it held that reminded him that history has so many lessons to tell.

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Katie Paige I Lower School Senior Kindergarten Teacher

Senior Kindergarten (SK) teacher Katie Paige knows kindergarteners have a lot to say. They never miss a beat if you ask them to tell you a story, but ask them to write a book—that might be met with silence. Not for Parker’s SK students. During writer’s workshop, students are experienced authors writing and constructing how-to manuals on making cookies or talking about their “firsts.”

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