by Kevin Yaley, Head of School
As we head full strength into the third and final trimester, along with our ongoing commitment to providing your children with an exceptional education, we continue the work of our school-wide accreditation—a rigorous self-examination into all areas of school life, including: the School’s mission, governance, program, finance, administration, community, development, admissions, personnel, health and safety, facilities, student services, philanthropy, and school culture.
The accreditation process not only reinforces our commitment to continuous quality enhancement in support of student learning and validates the integrity of our overall program, but it also informs our short- and long-term strategic plan for ongoing excellence in education.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of our entire faculty and staff, we are on pace to complete the first draft of our self-study by the end of this academic year keeping us on track to submit the final report to the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) in December 2019. Thereafter, we will look to the arrival of a visiting team of educators from other California independent schools that will undertake an appraisal of our school. The visit will take place in the winter of 2020.
As always, thank you for your continued support of Parker, and have a wonderful Spring Break!