Parker’s Roadmap to Return to Campus was created this summer to actively plan for a safe return to on-campus learning for students and faculty. With all grade levels now permitted back on the Mission Hills and Linda Vista campuses, the School has officially moved to the next phase of it’s “Roadmap” initiative––Parker’s Roadmap to Remain on Campus.
“We have been working tirelessly to return to campus,” says Parker Head of School Kevin Yaley. “It has been our mantra and driven everything we have done since the summer. We are now completely shifting our mindset from returning to campus to remaining on campus.”
Kevin introduced the Roadmap to Remain on Campus in his annual State of the School Address during the Parker Parents Association virtual meeting on Friday, Sept. 18.
Maintaining safety, health, and wellness is paramount among the Parker Leadership Team’s five strategic priorities for the 2020-2021 school year. During his address, Kevin reiterated that all members of the community need to continue following Parker’s Health & Safety F.I.R.S.T. policy.
“We cannot get lax on this,” says Kevin. “The kids have been tremendous, but we have to get better and better each day. It’s the one thing we can control in an environment that remains so out-of-control.”
F.I.R.S.T. was created this summer by the School’s Roadmap to Return to Campus Task Force and includes all the precautionary measures students, faculty, staff, and parents need to follow daily to reduce the spread of germs during the COVID-19 pandemic. They include wearing face masks, staying home when sick, washing hands, maintaining social distance from others, and checking personal temperature each day to monitor symptoms.
“We are going to have to do three times the work now to remain on campus,” Kevin says. “Together, we can do it.”