Five Upper School students recently captured a third-place award in the high school category of the IPC Educational Foundation’s International Design Competition “#PCBeTheChance.” The student design competition was created “to engage, educate, and enhance students’ proficiencies in PCB design, with a focus on solving some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges,” according to the IPC website.
The “Parker Pioneers,” were comprised of Kaia Lee-Guest and Relia Reed, both Class of 2022; and Brandon Cotton, Ethan Dunn, Josh Picton, all Class of 2023.
“When we, the Parker Pioneers, found out that we had placed 3rd in the high school section of the PCBeTheChange competition, we were thrilled,” reads a statement from the group on the competition website. “The natural world is changing more every day, both with innovations and environmental consequences. Having the opportunity to design a PCB to address one of those issues was an interesting project, and we learned a lot from it, in both areas of board design and environmental awareness. To see our board succeed is very exciting, and it is a great stepping stone towards helping to solve larger problems in our world.”
A second group of Parker students placed fourth in the competition. That team included Asveen Banga, Aidan Staszak, Sean Bohne, all Class of 2022; and Daniel Berggren, Rohan Rhodes, Jacob Pollack, All Class of 2023.