This article was originally published in the 2023 Parker Perspectives alumni publication. Read the full issue here.
Many of our alumni choose a Parker education for their children. Meet a few of our alumni families with students joining Parker for the 2023-2024 school year, and hear their reasons for choosing Parker.

Bryn Heitzman Salt ’94
Husband Benjamin; Bridget, Class of 2029; Blythe, Incoming Class of 2030
Bryn says: “I wanted my children to have the same amazing education that I did.”
Rob Hansen ’87
Wife Kathy; Luke, Incoming Class of 2029
Rob says: “We chose Parker for the experience, the education, and, as I work here, to ’do our day together,’ which I think I will treasure.”
Elizabeth Kaufman Leroux ’99
Husband Eric; Estelle, Class of 2035; Griffin, Incoming Class of 2037; Marcus, 15 months
Elizabeth says: “Parker was a fantastic school that helped students expand and realize their potential when I was there 30 years ago, and it is even better today. We appreciate the school’s dedication to creating students who are well-rounded,
kind, curious, and thoughtful.”
Colin Walshok ’95
Wife Janice; Marco, Class of 2030; Ara, Incoming Class of 2032
Colin says: “We chose Parker because we want our daughter to be surrounded by other kids who will help her grow, develop, and push her intellectual boundaries. We want her to be in a supportive academic environment that allows her to conquer her fears and pursue greatness and promotes leadership.”
David Weatherford ’07
Wife Melissa; Amalia, Incoming Class of 2037
David says: “My time at Parker was one of the most formative periods of my life. I had the privilege of learning from teachers who were passionate about their subjects and made the classroom an exciting place to be. Parker also afforded me the opportunity to explore interests outside of academics, and it’s where I discovered many of my passions that are still with me today. Parker shaped who I am today in so many ways, and we are excited for our daughter to have the same opportunity. We feel that investing in our daughter’s education is one of the best things we can do for her, and an education at Parker is truly special.”
Allyson Minteer Burakoff ’02
Husband Oscar; Lia, Class of 2031; Natalie, Class of 2034; Ella, Incoming Class of 2037; Siena, Incoming Class of 2037.
Allyson says: “I want my kids to be challenged academically and to become well rounded citizens who also give back to the community. I cannot think of a better place for them than Parker, given those goals.”
Ricardo da Rosa ’89
Wife Hanna; Ryan, Incoming Class of 2037
Ricardo says: “I will never forget the many friends I made at Parker, many of whom I still spend time with today.”
Jamie Wittert Neagle ’99
Husband George; Samuel, Incoming Class of 2036; Benjamin
Jamie says: “My favorite Parker memory was getting to use art as my ’medium’ for various academic assignments—that was where I excelled. For example, I ’wrote’ my senior essay as a series of paintings. Parker always nurtured my strengths, which allowed me to connect to school and shaped me into the confident, well-rounded woman I am today. Parker left a lasting impression on me.”
Tom Carter ’95
Wife Caitlin; Claire, 13; Patsy, Incoming Class of 2030
Tom says: “We chose Parker for the academic opportunities and individualized
Elisa Vilchis Savoia ’91
Husband Christopher; Nico, Class of 2024; Matteo, Incoming Class of 2030; Emma ’21
Elisa says: “I had a great experience at Parker. It looked a lot different back then. I was never afraid to be me. I learned so much and read more books in a short amount of time than I ever have again. The teachers left a true mark—so much so that I have been teaching for over 25 years. People like Mr. and Mrs. Ramert, Ms. O., Mrs. Hickey, Mr. Klausner, Mr. Leaf, Mrs. Peckham, and so many more. They shaped who I am in so many ways. I want that same experience for my children.”
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